Author, Speaker, & Advocate

Passionately bringing awareness, support, and guidance to widows, suicide survivors, and Highly Sensitive People of the world.


Cake Saved My Life – One Sweet Journey Through Grief, Healing and Sensitivity After My Husband’s Suicide.

Cake Saved My Life tells a true and inspiring story that will help widows, suicide survivors and Highly Sensitive People (HSP’s) to finally feel seen in this life they didn’t ask for, and will gain tools in their grief journey for years to come as they learn how to love themselves through it, heal their hearts, and embrace all of who they are.

Sonja Rice has always been a passionate woman, sensitive and connected to the world around her, with one hand in the arts and the other hand in the medical and healing fields. Intuitive, Libra and a bit of everything in one. She was a Licensed Massage Therapist for 11 years and on her way to becoming a nurse, until her entire life changed after her husband’s suicide in 2008, leaving her a widow at the age of 30 and four young kids to provide for. The overwhelm, heartache, anger, guilt, and shame she felt after her husband’s suicide was a treacherous mountain to climb, but she got through it with the help of something sweet — cake. No, not eating it; creating it!

Cake Designer & Instructor

“The best thing for being sad… is to learn something.That is the only thing that never fails.”
T. H. White, author of The Sword and the Stone.

What I love about cake most is that it tells a story, and reflects a soul. I found cake during the darkest part of my existence, when I didn’t want to live, and it saved my life. Learning something new that I was passionate about allowed me to convert that heavy grief energy and turn it into positive moving magic! I taught myself the craft of cake, started a cake business, was featured in magazines such as Cake Masters, Cake Central and Bride’s Magazine, and even met my dream of becoming a Craftsy Instructor! It was pretty sweet! I teach cake now at Cascade Culinary Institute in Bend, OR

Get Inspired By Cake!


I am an advocate for widows, suicide survivors and issues surrounding gun violence. I currently am working with Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon with a bill to change federal law that will help keep those at risk of suicide/shootings safe from gun violence, a cause that is near and dear to me and was birthed out of my personal experience with my husband’s suicide, when he was able to buy a gun and end his life just two hours after I called 911 and told them that was his intention.


My petition, and the bill that is being written, is to Link 911 to Criminal Background Checks (NICS). This will open up communication between 911 and the background check system; it does not take away gun rights, would stop the shooter with ill intent, save lives, and bring that person help with mental health before tragedy strikes, keeping our loved ones and communities safer from gun violence.

Speaking Engagements

I teach about allostatic load through my red velvet cake analogy. Everyone has one, and we need to learn how to better manage our own load, and help other people with theirs…by meeting ourselves, and others, with kindness, compassion and empathy. I share my D.E.S.S.E.R.T.S. method to learn how to manage our energy and stress, which has a direct effect on our allostatic load and cumulative well-being.

I teach about and bring awareness to the HSP trait. No, you’re not crazy, you are sensitive! And it’s your superpower! I will teach you how to harness this amazing genetic trait and how to handle yourself and others in such a way that allows you to thrive, not just survive!

Porch Time

Porch Time is a sacred space to engage in meaningful conversation to talk about what is on your heart. Genuine connection is the missing gap in today’s fast paced digital world. This is a safe place for you to feel seen and heard through relatability, meeting you with compassion and non-judgement, with hopes of empowering you and making you feel less alone. I share what comes through my heart about your heart, and we both feel better when it’s over. Perhaps you want to talk, need support, desire a shift in perspective, have a dilemma or simply need to be reminded of the badass I know you are. This offering is a FREE one hour conversation over the phone, from my heart to your heart. Click on the link to book your personal Porch Time!

Here’s what others had to say about Porch Time!

“This is literally the best thing for your soul. One time will change your life. Forever.”

Testimonial Item


“Sonja has the gift to listen, hear and understand the person she is connecting with. She has patience and understanding beyond comprehension. Sonja sees what isn’t being said and feels what isn’t being shared and her responses are personal, direct, insightful and hope filled! The light, the angel for me…was Sonja.”

Testimonial Item


“It was like she had strings attached to all of my trauma, pain, and feelings and very gently reeled them into her bringing EVERYTHING out and allowing myself a deep, healthy breath. This talk brought a huge RELEASE in me and reminded me that I need to put myself first and open myself up to others who come in peace and love.”

Testimonial Item


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Inquiry Form

Sonja is passionate about connecting with and empowering others who are on similar journeys of grief, healing, sensitivity, and self-discovery. Please sign up to receive notifications of new books, classes, tutorials, offerings, and blogs that will enrich your life.